Friday, January 8, 2010

Superfluous Notion

Briskly turning the pages of the future, while doing a Mural, I couldn't find anything structured. Even thought of changing my spectacle lenses for a second. Should I bother and scribble out the future plans and prepare a flowchart to follow or break of from the thought. Is the continuous braying of the society to be blamed for making me think of arranging the letters and words on the future pages?
People of the society are not like a two sided coin. They are Eight sided octagonal structures living just to judder their boneless creature a lot, by rubbing and smooching the thirty-two white beautiful fairies.

Hope around 36 Percent of the people who read the blog will have the same experience. The other 61 people think of several things and make themselves and others drag into the black hole of tension and blood pressure.
The rest 3 percent?

Anyway I continued entangling with colours and enjoying some lines and curves and grooves on the canvas.
Just a story before you think about the rest 3 percent! A Story of a Millipede...

He was jovial, tension-free Millipede. He went through creepy woods crushing small dry leaves and petals with its million legs and made friends with all the people whom he came across. He loved each and every spec of his time. He never used up his time thinking on how it could walk or bothered about it. Until one day, when a big black creepy Dung-Beetle rolling a stinky globule of dung asked our Millipede “How can you control and manage to walk with all those Million feet? Don't you find it tough to coordinate the rhythm?” The Dung globule had already gone rolling and vanished in the grassy backyard, while the Millipede was still sitting down, pondering how it could walk, wondering what the beetle had asked, and (for the first time in his life) even worrying a little bit, confused why he never thought that before. From that day on, the centipede couldn't walk anymore, lost all the interest in his life. Now a days he crumples into a ring whenever someone comes to make friends with him.

So you better not think too much if you want to reach or accomplish something. And of course this is a story and with only half the genuineness... Giggle! Giggle! Hey 3 percents, Just to impress the rest of the pack! The Ninety-Seven brains.

Image Courtsey:


Unknown said...

hey A.K...
The millepede story is worth giving a thought... nice one... keep it up!!

Unknown said...

Hey A.K...
The millepede story is worth giving a thought,..well done...keep it up!!
